What People Are Saying

I had a couple FST sessions with Ashley, and my experience was amazing! She was able to relieve my lower and upper back pain, and honestly she relieved the muscles I never thought even existed. Ashley is a kind, passionate, and skilled professional who truly cares to tailor her services to your specific needs. If you haven’t tried her services, you’re missing out!!

— Eileen Liu

I searched approx 5 years for someone I could work with on personal training, and finally (fortunately) found Ashley. Being goal-oriented as I am, I listed out my desired outcomes including injury recovery, muscle hypertrophy, and healthy eating, and Ashley took these to heart to design a well-customized program for me. You can tell Ashley is incredibly passionate about helping others, and it’s clear that she just cares about your overall wellbeing; all of these genuine traits I would say helped translate into effective training sessions with her, and if not evident already, I would highly recommend Ashley!

— Gina Lee

Ashley is the best!!! I had an excellent experience training with her. She is an expert in her field. She is motivational, supportive, highly knowledgeable and she will kick your b!!! Ashley is always punctual, reliable and very professional. She tailors sessions and adapts quickly to keep me engaged and to help me reach my fitness goals more efficiently. Thank you Ashley

— Gem Caluk

Ashley heard my concerns and did a thorough and accurate assessment. What I think sets her apart in my situation was that she encouraged me to be better and work harder to regain the strength and stability I had lost after two lower back operations. My mobility and strength has greatly improved after her knowledge and insight regarding my situation. Age 87.

— Gary Brooks

Training with Ashley was transformative. Before training with Ashley, I was intimidated by the gym & was unaware of my body’s capabilities. She used her expertise not only to challenge me but, to change the way I thought about fitness and health. I became comfortable in the gym. Confident with building a workout routine and saw for the first time how strong I could be. I highly recommend anyone to train with Ashley. She is personable & kind, yet will push you to be your best. Everyone deserves a trainer like her!

— Emilie Redekopp

Ashley is an amazing personal fitness trainer!!! When I first joined, I had no idea about anything in regards to using the gym, no idea about proper technique, posture, or equipment. But it was through training with her that I gained confidence to workout in the gym, confidence among my peers, and a positive self esteem. Furthermore, she was attentive to my previous injuries and always challenged me to my ultimate capacity. Thank you Ashley for an amazing experience in my fitness journey!!!

— Angie Lo

I would highly recommend Ashley for a personal trainer! Ashley is very knowledgeable and educated in many ways, not only is she a dedicated trainer she also is great with nutrition. I have many injuries and Ashley really worked around them and in fact strengthened my injuries with minimal pain. Ashley truly is extremely passionate about her work and dedicated to help people with their health journey. Ashley is kind, caring and a great listener. Thank you Ashley for helping me in my fitness and rehab journey!

— Sarah Guglielmi